目前分類:Travel in Taiwan (4)
- Jun 23 Fri 2023 22:37
國境之南 南台灣 墾丁 沙灘 白沙灣 小灣 砂島 東海 牡丹灣 海產 大自然一日遊
- Jan 14 Tue 2020 18:23
- Oct 02 Tue 2018 21:07
- Sep 30 Sun 2018 18:05
Taiwan。Sunrise Tour。Hehuan Mountain。台灣。合歡山。日出團
Many Taiwanese people drive their own car all the way up the ”Wuling = 武嶺 in Chinese“ to see the breathtaking view of sunrise at Mt. Hehuan.
But for a tourist who is not familiar with the transportation, it is safer and much easier to join the Sunrise Tour!